Divinely D.B.T Exquisite Luxe Natural Products

Divinely D.B.T Exquisite Natural Luxe is a family-based natural product line that imports the highest quality products from different countries all around the world. We import a variety of ingredients and products like African Black Soap, Ghanian Shea Butter, pure essential oils, essential oils, coconut oil, coconut butter, Moroccan Oil, and more from Africa, Indian, Japan, India, China, and Morrocco.

We hand customize to create our exquisite product line. We customize and provide products like Beldi Soap, Whipped Shea Butter, Whipped Shea Butter, Refined and Unrefined Shea Butter, Massage Candles, and more.

We believe for one to be healthy it starts from the inside out. What you put inside your body manifest on the outside. We recommend drinking 8 or more glasses of water a day to begin your healthy skin journey.

We strive to provide quality products with excellent service.

Headquarters - Toronto, Ontario Canada 1 (416) 712-8297 diannesbeautificationtouch@gmail.com Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m ** Saturday: 8:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m