AJAHNI GRIFFITH #unstoppablekids @AJCHILDOFGOD Rookie League!!!!

I’m sooo proud of my eldest son he threw the first pitch at the blue jays game in September 22, 2017.  He got that opportunity after he was selected rookie ball select and then got VIP and then won over the other person. He was chosen because of his character and love and kindness towards other. After throwing the first pitch we received an email that He was selected 1 of 18 children to take part in the  #unstoppablekids campaign.  Then and for the commercial he was chosen 1 of the 5 children out of the 18. His picture is also all over the guest level at the Rogers Stadium and all the stores.

If you go to the jayscare.com/unstoppable at the top you will see the hashtag unstoppable kids. When you select it that’s my sons face. He was and will be in rookie ball this year. I was also apart of rookie ball over 20 years ago. What is also amazing is when he went to rookie ball and the cameras were there you would also see him in some of the foot ages out there.

He was prophetized to from my Bishop James Robinson of Faith Open Door Ministries Inc. That he is going to be famous and well known also. My son is so loving and kind and i’m very proud of him. What I also realized is that in the photos on the site and in the news their standing right infront of his last name.  They had his last name and items in that baseball players spot. He is also on the Scarbrough Blues Rep Team. Who but GOD! To GOD be the glory!!!


I’m so proud of you!! You always make me proud!


@ieshadivine @divinelydbtroyalhair @divinelydbt




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